Michelle Huang Scott

A group of parents connecting to create a community of families that want to express themselves through creative outlets. The idea came on a whim and it has gained a lot of interest with parents who want to instill confidence in their children who have expressed a creative interest. Through the formation of the SCHOOL YARD COLLECTIVE, parents, mentors, educators, designers, editors, artists & writers are coming alongside this project offering their skills to create an elite magazine by kids for kids around the world. Interested in joining the School Yard Collective? Purely a passion project to give all kids a space to create & express themselves and turn it into a digital and print magazine.

Brand COllaborations

School Yard Collective x Hunter’s Threads

School Yard Collective is a creative outlet that is inspired by Hunter’s Threads. Hunter’s Threads is a streetwear brand advocating & representing kids with special needs by instilling confidence through fashion & brand collaborations.

Shop Hunter’s Threads at www.inspiredbyhunter.com

IG: @officialhuntersthreads


If you’re a local company that wants to add your company to any of our issues, feel free to email hello@schoolyardcollective.world

Package includes:

  • $200 = 1/4 page ad

  • $350 = 1/2 page ad

  • $500 = Full page add